/** @file $Id$ $Date$ $Author$ @copy © Marc Wäckerlin @license LGPL, see file COPYING $Log$ Revision 1.1 2005/04/07 20:57:36 marc initial version 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 */ #include #include #include namespace mrw { /** @addtogroup debug */ //@{ /** @defgroup AutoInitLog4cxx Automatically initialize log4cxx If you want to enable log4cxx (http://logging.apache.org/log4cxx), you have to configure it in your application, normally in the main. If you want to configure it automatically, without changing a single line in your code (e.g. for temporary debugging), simply link to @c libmrwlog4cxxconfiguration, either with option @c -lmrwlog4cxxconfiguration for single threaded, or with @c -lmrwlog4cxxconfiguration-mt for multi threaded applications. With @ref trclog4cxx and @ref AutoFunctionTrace, you can add tracing based on @c log4cxx, without even change a single line in your code. But your code still has to initialize @c log4cxx. If you even want to automatically initialize @c log4cxx, use this library! Configures @c log4cxx in the following way: -# if available, read @c log4cxx property file (read first file found, in this order) -# file specified in environment variable @c $MRW_LOG4CXX_CONFIGFILE -# .mrwlog4cxx (local file) -# ~/.mrwlog4cxx (file in user's home) -# /etc/mrwlog4cxx (global configuration) -# if no configuration file is found, use default configuration: @verbatim log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn = DEBUG, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.log4cxx = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.boost = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.Thread = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QString = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QShared = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QWidget = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.mrw = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.std = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.new = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.CppUnit = OFF, A1 log4j.logger.mrw.fn.__gnu_cxx = OFF, A1 log4j.appender.A1 = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.A1.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout @endverbatim and for multi threaded programs in addition: @verbatim log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern = t-%-60c%m%n @endverbatim on the other hand, single threaded programs are formatted as: @verbatim log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern = 60c%m%n @endverbatim This results in the following behaviour: - trace to console - format as... - @c "%t-%-60c%m%n" if threaded - @c "%-60c%m%n" if not threaded - enable all tracing to @c DEBUG - enable tracing of @ref AutoFunctionTrace - disable function trace for @c log4cxx - disable function trace for @c boost - disable function trace for @c Qt base classes - disable function trace for @c libmrw - disable function trace for @c std and @c new - disable function trace for @c CppUnit - disable function trace for @c gcc internals */ //@{ class InitLog4cxx { public: InitLog4cxx() { std::string logconfigfile; char* c(getenv("MRW_LOG4CXX_CONFIGFILE")); if (c && std::ifstream(c)) logconfigfile = c; else if (std::ifstream(".mrwlog4cxx")) logconfigfile = ".mrwlog4cxx"; else if ((c=getenv("HOME")) && std::ifstream((std::string(c)+"/.mrwlog4cxx").c_str())) logconfigfile = std::string(c)+"/.mrwlog4cxx"; else if (std::ifstream("/etc/mrwlog4cxx")) logconfigfile = "/etc/mrwlog4cxx"; if (logconfigfile.size()) { log4cxx::PropertyConfigurator::configure(logconfigfile); return; } log4cxx::helpers::Properties properties; properties.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "DEBUG, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn", "DEBUG, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.log4cxx", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.boost", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.Thread", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QString", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QShared", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.QWidget", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.mrw", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.std", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.new", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.CppUnit", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.logger.mrw.fn.__gnu_cxx", "OFF, A1"); properties.setProperty("log4j.appender.A1", "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"); properties.setProperty("log4j.appender.A1.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"); #ifdef _REENTRANT properties.setProperty("log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern", "%t-%-60c%m%n"); #else properties.setProperty("log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern", "%-60c%m%n"); #endif log4cxx::PropertyConfigurator::configure(properties); } }; static InitLog4cxx INIT_LOG4CXX; //@} //@} };