index index license License license readme Readme readme install Installation install news News news changes Change Log changes arguments C++ Evaluation of Command Line Arguments group__arguments.html mrw::Args mrw::Opt mrw::Param AutoTools Classes for Automated Resource Handling group__AutoTools.html mrw::AutoBfd mrw::AutoFile mrw::AutoFree mrw::AutoMapper mrw::pipe mrw::SmartPointer AutoTrace Automated Unexpected Handler with Stack Trace group__AutoTrace.html void unexpected_log4cxx a1 () void unexpected_stderr a2 () CmdExec Execute UNIX Commands group__CmdExec.html mrw::Cmd mrw::Exec mrw::ExecutionFailedExc StackTrace Collect and Format a Stack Trace group__StackTrace.html AutoTrace mrw::bad_alloc mrw::bad_cast mrw::bad_exception mrw::bad_typeid mrw::domain_error mrw::exception mrw::invalid_argument mrw::length_error mrw::logic_error mrw::out_of_range mrw::overflow_error mrw::range_error mrw::runtime_error mrw::StackTrace mrw::underflow_error std::ostream & operator<< a0 (std::ostream &os, const StackTrace &st) mrw::Args classmrw_1_1Args.html std::list< std::string > OtherArgs w0 Args & operator<< a0 (const mrw::Opt &opt) Args & operator<< a1 (int argc) Args & operator<< a2 (const char *const *const argv) Args & operator<< a3 (const std::string &description) Args & operator<< a4 (char help) const Opt & find a5 (char c) const const Opt & find a6 (const std::string &s) const const OtherArgs & otherArgs a7 () const std::string & filename a8 () void help a9 () Args & instance e0 () mrw::AutoBfd classmrw_1_1AutoBfd.html AutoBfd a0 (bfd *p=0) AutoBfd & operator= a2 (bfd *p) AutoBfd & operator= a3 (AutoBfd &o) operator bfd * a4 () bfd * operator-> a5 () bfd * release a6 () mrw::AutoFile classmrw_1_1AutoFile.html AutoFile a0 (int fd=-1) AutoFile a1 (AutoFile &o) ~AutoFile a2 () AutoFile & operator= a3 (int fd) AutoFile & operator= a4 (AutoFile &other) operator const int a5 () const int release a6 () AutoFile & reset a7 (int=-1) mrw::AutoFree classmrw_1_1AutoFree.html T AutoFree a0 (T *p=0) AutoFree a1 (AutoFree &o) AutoFree & operator= a3 (T *p) AutoFree & operator= a4 (AutoFree &o) operator T * a5 () operator T ** a6 () operator bool a7 () T * release a8 () mrw::AutoMapper classmrw_1_1AutoMapper.html AutoMapper a0 (void *cont=0, size_t sz=0) AutoMapper a1 (int, size_t=0, void *=0, int=PROT_READ, int=MAP_SHARED, off_t=0) operator const void * a3 () const AutoMapper & set a4 (void *cont, size_t sz) void * release a5 () const void * last a6 () const mrw::bad_alloc classmrw_1_1bad__alloc.html mrw::exception virtual const char * what a0 () const mrw::bad_cast classmrw_1_1bad__cast.html mrw::exception virtual const char * what a0 () const mrw::bad_exception classmrw_1_1bad__exception.html mrw::exception virtual const char * what a0 () const mrw::bad_typeid classmrw_1_1bad__typeid.html mrw::exception virtual const char * what a0 () const mrw::Cmd classmrw_1_1Cmd.html Cmd a0 (const std::string &) Cmd & operator, a1 (const std::string &) Cmd & operator<< a2 (const std::string &) operator std::string a3 () const operator Exec a4 () const Exec execute a5 (bool=true) const mrw::domain_error classmrw_1_1domain__error.html mrw::exception domain_error a0 (const std::string &arg) virtual const char * what a1 () const mrw::exception classmrw_1_1exception.html virtual const char * what a2 () const const std::string & stacktrace a3 () const mrw::Exec classmrw_1_1Exec.html Exec a0 (const mrw::Cmd &) Exec a1 (const mrw::Exec &) Exec & operator= a3 (const mrw::Exec &) Exec & execute a4 (bool=true) Exec & operator>> a5 (std::string &) operator std::string & a6 () operator bool a7 () std::string & result a8 () std::string & error a9 () bool success a10 () mrw::ExecutionFailedExc classmrw_1_1ExecutionFailedExc.html mrw::exception ExecutionFailedExc a0 (const std::string &, const std::string &) virtual const char * what a2 () const mrw::invalid_argument classmrw_1_1invalid__argument.html mrw::exception invalid_argument a0 (const std::string &arg) virtual const char * what a1 () const mrw::length_error classmrw_1_1length__error.html mrw::exception length_error a0 (const std::string &arg) virtual const char * what a1 () const mrw::logic_error classmrw_1_1logic__error.html mrw::exception logic_error a0 (const std::string &arg) virtual const char * what a1 () const mrw::Opt classmrw_1_1Opt.html Opt::Opt a0 (const char shortname, const std::string &longname, const Param &param, const std::string &help) Opt::Opt a1 (const char shortname, const std::string &longname, const std::string &help) const std::string & help a2 () const operator bool a3 () const const mrw::SmartPointer< Param::Value > & operator[] a4 (unsigned int i) const mrw::out_of_range classmrw_1_1out__of__range.html mrw::exception out_of_range a0 (const std::string &arg) virtual const char * what a1 () const mrw::overflow_error classmrw_1_1overflow__error.html mrw::exception overflow_error a0 (const std::string &arg) virtual const char * what a1 () const mrw::Param classmrw_1_1Param.html int size a0 () const Param & operator<< a1 (const char *const s) Param & operator<< a2 (const std::string &s) Param & operator<< a3 (int i) Param & operator<< a4 (bool b) const mrw::SmartPointer< Value > & operator[] a5 (unsigned int i) const mrw::Param::Value classmrw_1_1Param_1_1Value.html virtual const std::string & toString a1 () const virtual int toInt a2 () const virtual bool toBool a3 () const virtual std::string printable a4 () const=0 virtual const std::string & typestr a5 () const=0 virtual void operator= b0 (const std::string &)=0 mrw::Param::Value classmrw_1_1Param_1_1Value.html virtual const std::string & toString a1 () const virtual int toInt a2 () const virtual bool toBool a3 () const virtual std::string printable a4 () const=0 virtual const std::string & typestr a5 () const=0 virtual void operator= b0 (const std::string &)=0 mrw::pipe classmrw_1_1pipe.html pipe a0 () ~pipe a1 () void close a2 () void close_in a3 () void close_out a4 () operator bool a5 () int error a6 () void connect_cout a7 () void connect_cerr a8 () int istream a9 () int ostream a10 () mrw::range_error classmrw_1_1range__error.html mrw::exception range_error a0 (const std::string &arg) virtual const char * what a1 () const mrw::runtime_error classmrw_1_1runtime__error.html mrw::exception runtime_error a0 (const std::string &arg) virtual const char * what a1 () const mrw::SmartPointer classmrw_1_1SmartPointer.html TYPE SmartPointer a1 (const SmartPointer< TYPE > &o) SmartPointer a2 (TYPE *ptr) SmartPointer a3 (const SmartPointer< OTHER > &o) SmartPointer & operator= a5 (const SmartPointer< TYPE > &o) SmartPointer & operator= a6 (TYPE *ptr) SmartPointer & operator= a7 (const SmartPointer< OTHER > &o) TYPE & operator * a8 () const TYPE & operator * a9 () const TYPE *const operator-> a10 () const TYPE *const operator-> a11 () const operator bool a12 () mrw::StackTrace classmrw_1_1StackTrace.html std::vector< void * > AddressTrace w0 StackTrace a0 () operator std::string a1 () const operator const AddressTrace & a2 () const const StackTrace & print a3 (std::ostream &os) const CodePos translate e0 (void *addr) bool createSymtable e1 (std::string="") mrw::StackTrace::CodePos structmrw_1_1StackTrace_1_1CodePos.html CodePos a0 (void *a, std::string fn, std::string fi, unsigned int l) void * address o0 std::string function o1 std::string file o2 unsigned int line o3 mrw::StackTrace::CodePos structmrw_1_1StackTrace_1_1CodePos.html CodePos a0 (void *a, std::string fn, std::string fi, unsigned int l) void * address o0 std::string function o1 std::string file o2 unsigned int line o3 mrw::underflow_error classmrw_1_1underflow__error.html mrw::exception underflow_error a0 (const std::string &arg) virtual const char * what a1 () const