In release 1.0.0, some headers are missing in the rpm packages and in the installation with make install. Don't use that release, use 1.1.0 instead. Please note that the inheritance changed for the exception classes: There is no more a diamond like multiple inheritance nos, but exceptions such as mrw::out_of_range no more inherit from their std::out_of_range correspondant. All exceptions still inherit from mrw::exception which inherits from std::exception. New feature: C++ standard extensions. It provides some features that are missing in the C++ standard, such as shift operator for string and container. The naming of libraries was not intuitive before, e.g. the library from mrw-c++-0.93 was named instead of and release mrw-c++-1.5 would have been named That's a problem with the unconventional version naming in the libtool. The naming in libtool may make sense only, if you have several completely independent libraries in the same package. Now the naming is as it should be, the package and the library have three digits, increasing the least means no change in behaviour, e.g. little bugfix, increasing the middle means more features, but the interface remains backward compatible and increasing the first number means, that the interface has broken backwards compatibility, i.e. features have been removed.