/** @file $Id$ $Date$ $Author$ @copy © Marc Wäckerlin @license LGPL, see file COPYING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 */ #ifndef __GNUG__ #error GNU C++ Compiler is required for automatical function trace #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if (__GNUC__==3 && __GNUC_MINOR__<4 || __GNUC__<3) \ && defined(_REENTRANT) && !defined(_MT) #define _MT #endif // these are special built in functions of GNU Compiler Collection extern "C" void __cyg_profile_func_enter (void *, void *) __attribute__((no_instrument_function)); extern "C" void __cyg_profile_func_exit (void *, void *) __attribute__((no_instrument_function)); // support for log4cxx 0.9.7 and for new CVS version #ifndef LOG4CXX_LOCATION # define MRW_LOG4CXX_LOCATION pos.file.c_str(), pos.line #define MRW_LEVEL_DEBUG ::log4cxx::Level::DEBUG #define MRW_LEVEL_INFO ::log4cxx::Level::INFO #define MRW_LEVEL_WARN ::log4cxx::Level::WARN #define MRW_LEVEL_ERROR ::log4cxx::Level::ERROR #define MRW_LEVEL_FATAL ::log4cxx::Level::FATAL #else # define LOG4CXX_CVS # define MRW_LOG4CXX_LOCATION \ ::log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo(pos.file.c_str(), pos.function.c_str(), pos.line) #define MRW_LEVEL_DEBUG ::log4cxx::Level::getDebug() #define MRW_LEVEL_INFO ::log4cxx::Level::getInfo() #define MRW_LEVEL_WARN ::log4cxx::Level::getWarn() #define MRW_LEVEL_ERROR ::log4cxx::Level::getError() #define MRW_LEVEL_FATAL ::log4cxx::Level::getFatal() #endif namespace mrw { struct ThreadInfo { int level; bool recurse; }; #ifdef _MT static __thread ThreadInfo info = {0, false}; #else static ThreadInfo info = {0, false}; #endif static bool mainPassed(false); class Lock { public: Lock() __attribute__((no_instrument_function)); ~Lock() __attribute__((no_instrument_function)); }; // workaround doxygen problem: // - the C++ compiler compiles the following code // - doxygen ignores it #ifndef LET_DOXYGEN_IGNORE_THIS // doxygen can't match with __attribute__ above Lock::Lock() { info.recurse = true; } Lock::~Lock() { info.recurse = false; } #endif } extern "C" int main(int, char**); /** @addtogroup FunctionTrace @note There is also a fully automagic function trace, similar to @ref AutoTrace. It is described in @ref AutoFunctionTrace and requires the GNU Compiler Collection gcc, because it makes use of a proprietary compiler feature. */ //@{ /** @defgroup AutoFunctionTrace Automatic Function Trace for GNU g++ If you compile your program with GNU g++ / gcc, and you want to add function tracing without changing a single line of your code, here's the solution: If you link to the library @c libmrwautofunctiontracelog4cxx using a linker option such as: @c -lmrwautofunctiontracelog4cxx and you must enable the GNU Compiler Collection specific function trace feature with compile and link option @c -finstrument-functions then you get an automatical function trace, that traces to level @c DEBUG using the log4cxx library. You don't need to change a single line in your code! This feature depends on: - the GNU C++ compiler gcc - @ref mrw::StackTrace - log4cxx http://logging.apache.org/log4cxx - optional: boost for thread support http://boost.org The logger hiararchy name is: @c "mrw.fn." where @c is the full name of the method, including namespace and class name, seperated not by double colon @c :: but by single dots @c . as it is common use in log4cxx. This way, you can enable or disable the function trace per namespace, per class or even per method. The function trace does not start, before the program @c main is reached! Only the calls within the @c main are traced, but not during the initialisation and destruction of static members. This is necessary, because otherwise access the incompletely initialized MRW-C++ library itself may cause a crash. A good default configuration is given in @ref AutoInitLog4cxx. Depending on your log4cxx configuration, a function trace may look e.g. like this (very simple configuration with very few additional information): @verbatim mrw.fn.anotherFunction \ anotherFunction() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.fn1 \ HalloWelt::fn1() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.fn \ HalloWelt::fn() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.A.method \ HalloWelt::A::method() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.A.method / HalloWelt::A::method() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.A.method \ HalloWelt::A::method() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.A.method / HalloWelt::A::method() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.fn / HalloWelt::fn() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.fn \ HalloWelt::fn() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.A.method \ HalloWelt::A::method() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.A.method / HalloWelt::A::method() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.A.method \ HalloWelt::A::method() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.A.method / HalloWelt::A::method() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.fn / HalloWelt::fn() mrw.fn.HalloWelt.fn1 / HalloWelt::fn1() mrw.fn.anotherFunction / anotherFunction() @endverbatim @note The configurator is not installed automatically. If you want to trace e.g. on the console, you have to call @c log4cxx::BasicConfigurator::configure(); as first statement in your @c main(). @see @ref AutoInitLog4cxx if you also want to automatically configure @c log4cxx. @section AutoFunctionTraceThread Multithreading Multithreading is also supported, then you need to link to the thread safe compilat of the library @c libmrwautofunctiontracelog4cxx-mt with option @c -libmrwautofunctiontracelog4cxx-mt and you need the option @c -pthread in addition to @c -finstrument-functions which is still required. Thread support requires the boost thread library. See http://boost.org for details. */ //@{ extern "C" void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_fn, void*) { if (!mrw::mainPassed) if (this_fn == (void*)&::main) // not ANSI C++ conform... mrw::mainPassed=true; else return; try { if (mrw::info.recurse) return; mrw::Lock lock; { static bool init(mrw::StackTrace::createSymtable()); if (!init) return; const mrw::StackTrace::CodePos& pos(mrw::StackTrace::translate(this_fn)); std::string hierarchy(pos.function); for (std::string::size_type p(0); (p=hierarchy.find("::", p))!=std::string::npos; hierarchy.replace(p, 2, ".")); hierarchy.erase(hierarchy.rfind('(')); std::string::size_type p (hierarchy.rfind(' ', std::min(hierarchy.find('<'), hierarchy.find("operator")))); if (p!=std::string::npos) hierarchy.erase(0, p+1); // hierarchy.erase // (hierarchy.find_first_not_of // ("qwertzuiopasdfghjklyxcvbnmQWERTZUIOPASDFGHJKLYXCVBNM1234567890_.")); if (hierarchy=="") hierarchy = "global"; std::string name("mrw.fn."+hierarchy); log4cxx::Logger* logger (log4cxx::Logger::getLogger(log4cxx::LogString(name.begin(), name.end()))); if (logger->isDebugEnabled()) { std::basic_ostringstream ss; ss<forcedLog(MRW_LEVEL_DEBUG, ss.str(), MRW_LOG4CXX_LOCATION); } } } catch (...) {} } extern "C" void __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_fn, void*) { if (!mrw::mainPassed) return; else if (this_fn == (void*)&::main) { // not ANSI C++ conform... mrw::mainPassed=false; return; } try { if (mrw::info.recurse || mrw::info.level==0) return; mrw::Lock lock; { const mrw::StackTrace::CodePos& pos(mrw::StackTrace::translate(this_fn)); std::string hierarchy(pos.function); for (std::string::size_type p(0); (p=hierarchy.find("::", p))!=std::string::npos; hierarchy.replace(p, 2, ".")); hierarchy.erase(hierarchy.rfind('(')); std::string::size_type p (hierarchy.rfind(' ', std::min(hierarchy.find('<'), hierarchy.find("operator")))); if (p!=std::string::npos) hierarchy.erase(0, p+1); // hierarchy.erase // (hierarchy.find_first_not_of // ("qwertzuiopasdfghjklyxcvbnmQWERTZUIOPASDFGHJKLYXCVBNM1234567890_.")); if (hierarchy=="") hierarchy = "global"; std::string name("mrw.fn."+hierarchy); log4cxx::Logger* logger (log4cxx::Logger::getLogger(log4cxx::LogString(name.begin(), name.end()))); if (logger->isDebugEnabled()) { std::basic_ostringstream ss; ss<forcedLog(MRW_LEVEL_DEBUG, ss.str(), MRW_LOG4CXX_LOCATION); } } } catch (...) {} } //@} //@}