## @id $Id$ # # This file has been added by bootstrap.sh on Tue, 28 July 2015 11:31:59 +0200 # Feel free to change it or even remove and rebuild it, up to your needs # ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 PROJECT_URL="https://dev.marc.waeckerlin.org/projects/mrw-c++" m4_define(x_package_name, mrw-c++) # project's name m4_define(x_major, 4) # project's major version m4_define(x_minor, 5) # project's minor version m4_define(x_least_diff, 469) # diff in minor m4_include(ax_init_standard_project.m4) AC_INIT(x_package_name, x_version, x_bugreport, x_package_name) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 tar-pax]) AX_INIT_STANDARD_PROJECT # requirements, uncomment, what you need: AX_USE_CXX AX_USE_LIBTOOL #AX_USE_SCRIPTS AX_USE_DOXYGEN AX_USE_DEBIAN_PACKAGING AX_USE_RPM_PACKAGING AX_USE_CPPUNIT AX_BUILD_EXAMPLES #AX_BUILD_HTML # qt features, uncomment, what you need: #AX_CHECK_QT([QT], [QtCore QtGui QtNetwork], [QtWidgets]) #AX_QT_NO_KEYWORDS # libraries AC_CHECK_HEADER(log4cxx/logger.h, [have_log4cxx=yes]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(ltdl.h, [have_ltdl=yes]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(regex.h, [have_regex=yes]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(unistd.h fcntl.h, [have_exec=yes]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(dirent.h, [have_dir=yes]) # solaris? AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/old_procfs.h, [AM_CPPFLAGS+="-D__solaris__"]) # Arguments AC_ARG_ENABLE(valgrind, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-valgrind], [runs all checks with valgrind enabled]), [have_valgrind="$enableval"], [have_valgrind="no"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_VALGRIND, test "$have_valgrind" = "yes") AC_ARG_ENABLE(threads, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-threads], [disable multithreading]), [with_threads="$enableval"], [with_threads="yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_THREADS, test "$with_threads" = "yes") AC_ARG_ENABLE(autofntrace, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-autofntrace], [disable automated function trace (requires gcc)]), [with_autofntrace="$enableval"], [with_autofntrace="yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(AUTOFNTRACE, test "$with_autofntrace" = "yes" -a -n "$GCC") AC_ARG_ENABLE(dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-dir], [disable POSIX directory access]), [have_dir="$enableval"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_DIR, test "$have_dir" = "yes") AC_ARG_ENABLE(exec, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-exec], [disable UNIX fork and execute with pipes]), [have_exec="$enableval"], [if test "$MINGW" = "1"; then have_exec="no"; else have_exec="yes"; fi]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EXEC, test "$have_exec" = "yes") AC_ARG_ENABLE(regexp, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-regexp], [disable use of regular expressions]), [have_regex="$enableval"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_REGEXP, test "$have_regex" = "yes") AC_ARG_ENABLE(log4cxx, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-log4cxx], [disable use of log4cxx library in automated stack trace]), [have_log4cxx="$enableval"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LOG4CXX, test "$have_log4cxx" = "yes") AC_ARG_ENABLE(ltdl, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-ltdl], [enable use of libtool library dynamic loading Note: For automated stack trace, you need either ltdl or the libbfd BFD library from the binutils package at compile time.]), [have_ltdl="$enableval"], [have_ltdl="$have_ltdl"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LTDL, test "$have_ltdl" = "yes") AC_ARG_ENABLE(dynamicstack, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-dynamic-stack], [enable use of libtool library dynamic loading for stacktrace, this means the code is not linked to libbfd, instead a dynamical version of libbfd is loaded at runtime - this prevents dependency on the bfd library (which is part of the GNU binutils). Note: For automated stack trace, you need either ltdl or the libbfd BFD library from the GNU binutils package at compile time.]), [have_dynamicstack="$enableval"], [have_dynamicstack="no"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(stacktrace, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-stacktrace], [disable stack trace, use this if you cannot compile the library on your system otherwise and you still want to use the other parts]), [have_stacktrace="$enableval"], [if test "$MINGW" = "1"; then have_stacktrace="no"; else have_stacktrace="yes"; fi]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_STACKTRACE, test "$have_stacktrace" = "yes") if test "$have_stacktrace" = "yes"; then # Hack for bug: # /usr/include/libiberty.h:106:36: # error: new declaration 'char* basename(const char*)' # /usr/include/string.h:603:28: error: # ambiguates old declaration 'const char* basename(const char*)' # bug { old_ac_includes_default=$ac_includes_default ac_includes_default="" # } bug AC_CHECK_HEADER([demangle.h], [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_DEMANGLE_H])], [AC_MSG_WARN([Header "demangle.h" from the binutils not found! - unfortunately, the bintils do not install this header (even though they should) - the required symbols are now declared in stacktrace.cxx according to my own binutils version (binutils-2.16.1) it may or may not be compatible to yours])]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(cplus_demangle, [demangle iberty_pic iberty], [AC_MSG_RESULT([OK, found cplus_demangle])], [AC_MSG_WARN([Function cplus_demangle not found! - I looked in libdemangle and libiberty - Try "find /usr/lib -name 'libdemangle*' -o -name 'libiberty*'" - is one of them installed? - If yes, try: "nm | grep cplus_demangle" -> is the symbol defined? - on Ubuntu (trusty) install libiberty-dev - Try to compile with option --disable-stacktrace If you are not a developer, you perhaps don't need it...?])]) if test "$have_dynamicstack" != "yes" -a "$have_cplus_demangle" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE([NO_LTDL]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(compress, z, [AC_MSG_RESULT([OK, found libz])], [AC_MSG_ERROR([zlib (libz) not found! It is required for stack trace! - install zlib development package - or configure with option --enable-ltdl - or configure with option --disable-stacktrace])]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(dlopen, dl, [AC_MSG_RESULT([OK, found libdl])], [AC_MSG_ERROR([libdl not found! It is required for stack trace! - install libdl development package - or configure with option --enable-ltdl - or configure with option --disable-stacktrace])]) AC_SEARCH_LIBS(bfd_openr, bfd, [AC_MSG_RESULT([OK, found libbfd])], [AC_MSG_ERROR([BFD library from the binutils package not found! It is required for stack trace! - install binutils or binutils-devel - or configure with option --enable-ltdl - or configure with option --disable-stacktrace])]) fi # bug { ac_includes_default=$old_ac_includes_default # } bug fi AC_ARG_WITH([boost-thread], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boost-thread], [specify the boost thread library or suffix to use]), [if test "$with_boost_thread" != "no"; then if test "$with_boost_thread" != "yes"; then chk_libs="$with_boost_thread boost_thread-$with_boost_thread" else chk_libs="boost_thread boost_thread-mt boost_thread-gcc-mt" fi else chk_libs="" fi], [chk_libs=( "boost_thread boost_thread-mt boost_thread-${CXX} boost_thread-${CC} boost_thread-${CXX}-mt boost_thread-${CC}-mt" "boost_system" )]) for (( i=0; i<${#chk_libs[*]}; ++i )); do rnd=${chk_libs[$i]} for ax_lib in $rnd; do AC_CHECK_LIB($ax_lib, main, [BOOST_THREAD_LIB="${BOOST_THREAD_LIB} -l$ax_lib" break]) done done AC_SUBST(BOOST_THREAD_LIB) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_BOOST_THREAD, test -n "$BOOST_THREAD_LIB") # special dependencies for specific distros AX_ALL_BUILD_DEPEND_DEV(binutils) AX_ALL_DEPEND_IFEXISTS_DEV(libiberty) AX_ALL_DEPEND_IFEXISTS_DEV(liblog4cxx) AX_ALL_DEPEND_IFEXISTS_DEV(liblog4cxx10) AX_DEB_BUILD_DEPEND(libboost-dev) AX_DEB_BUILD_DEPEND(libz-dev) AX_RPM_BUILD_DEPEND(boost-devel) AX_RPM_BUILD_DEPEND(zlib-devel) # thread options THREADS="-pthread -D_MT" AC_SUBST(THREADS) # create output AX_OUTPUT # infos and warnings if test "$have_valgrind" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature Valgrind is disabled, to use it --enable-valgrind]) fi if test "$with_threads" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature Threads is disabled, to use it --enable-threads]) fi if test "$with_autofntrace" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature Automatic Function Trace is disabled, to use it --enable-autofntrace]) fi if test "$have_dir" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature POSIX Directory Access is disabled, to use it --enable-dir]) fi if test "$have_exec" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature UNIX Fork Execute is disabled, to use it --enable-exec]) fi if test "$have_regex" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature Regular Expressions is disabled, to use it --enable-regex]) fi if test "$have_log4cxx" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature Log4cxx Logging is disabled, to use it --enable-log4cxx]) fi if test "$have_ltdl" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature LibTool Library is disabled, to use it --enable-ltdl]) fi if test "$have_dynamicstack" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature Dynamic Stack is disabled, to use it --enable-dynamicstack]) fi if test "$have_stacktrace" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Feature Stack Trace is disabled, to use it --enable-stacktrace]) fi if test "$with_threads" = "no"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Multithreading support is disabled! - use --enable-threads to enable it - actually, there's only support for automated function trace]); fi if test "$have_dir" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([POSIX directory access is disabled! - you need a UNIX/Posix environment if you want to use it]); fi if test "$have_exec" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([UNIX fork/exec with pipes will not be used! - you need a UNIX/Posix environment if you want to use it]); fi if test "$have_regex" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([GNU regular expression library will not be used! - if you want it, install it]); fi if test "$have_log4cxx" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Library log4cxx will not be used! - if you want it, download it from: http://logging.apache.org/log4cxx]); fi if test "$have_stacktrace" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([mrw::StackTrace is disabled!]); fi if test "$have_ltdl" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([mrw::DynamicLibrary dynamic library loading is disabled! - install the GNU libtool, if you need mrw::DynamicLibrary]);fi if test "$with_autofntrace" != "yes" -o -z "$GCC"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Automated GNU gcc function tracing is disabled! - libmrwautofunctiontracestdout won't be built - libmrwautofunctiontracelog4cxx won't be built]);fi if test -z "$BOOST_THREAD_LIB"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Boost thread library not found! - multithreading is based on boost thread library - support for multithreading is disabled - try to pass the library name, e.g. --with-boost-thread=boost_thread-icc-mt]);fi if test "$have_dynamicstack" = "yes" -a \ \( "$have_stacktrace" != "yes" -o "$have_ltdl" != "yes" \); then AC_MSG_ERROR([Option --enable-dynamic-stack was given, but either stacktrace is disabled or ltdl is disabled. --enable-dynamic-stack should always be used together with options --enable-stacktrace and --enable-ltdl]);fi AC_MSG_NOTICE([configuration done for ${PACKAGE_STRING}])