/** @mainpage @section intro Introduction @verbinclude README For details, see the "Modules" page. @section download Download Download this version from here: - Source TAR-Ball (./configure && make all install): - http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/mrw-c++-@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.tar.gz - RPM Packages (built on i586/SuSE): - http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/mrw-c++-@MAJOR@.@MINOR@-1.i586.rpm - http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/mrw-c++-devel-@MAJOR@.@MINOR@-1.i586.rpm Download this documentation in PDF: - http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/mrw-c++-@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.pdf The homepage is on: - http://marc.waeckerlin.org/mrw-c++/index.html @section usage Usage of the Library Include the headers you need with prefix @c mrw, e.g.: @verbatim #include @endverbatim Compile with debug information enabled, thats option @c -g and link to the library with option @c -lmrw, e.g.; @verbatim g++ -g -o myprogram myprogram.cpp -lmrw @endverbatim For the @ref AutoTools "unexpected handler" you need to link with @c -lmrwexcstderr or @c -lmrwexclog4cxx. @section moreinfo Additional Information @section threads Thread Safety All classes are not thread safe, that means they should either always be accessed from the same thread, or you are responsible for locking. If you need thread safety as a feature, please send me an email and ask me for it (you find the adress in the package or on my personal homepage: http://marc.waeckerlin.org). See the "Related Pages". - @ref license "License Information (LGPL)" - @ref install "Compilation and Installation Information" - @ref news "Breaking News" - @ref changes "Change Log" */ /** @page license License @verbinclude COPYING */ /** @page readme Readme @verbinclude README */ /** @page install Installation @verbinclude INSTALL */ /** @page news News @verbinclude NEWS */ /** @page changes Change Log @verbinclude ChangeLog */