Source: libpcscxx Priority: extra Maintainer: Marc Wäckerlin Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), autotools-dev, libssl-dev, libp11-kit-dev, libpcsclite-dev, mrw-c++-dev Standards-Version: 3.8.1 Section: libs Homepage: Package: libpcscxx-dev Section: libdevel Architecture: any Depends: libpcscxx (= ${binary:Version}), libssl-dev, libp11-kit-dev, libpcsclite-dev, mrw-c++-dev Description: C++ Wrapper around PCSClite, Cryptoki, OpenSSL C++ wrappers around the ugly C-Interfaces of pcsc-lite, cryptoki and open-ssl. . Development Package . For more details, see: Package: libpcscxx-dbg Section: debug Architecture: any Depends: libpcscxx (= ${binary:Version}) Description: C++ Wrapper around PCSClite, Cryptoki, OpenSSL C++ wrappers around the ugly C-Interfaces of pcsc-lite, cryptoki and open-ssl. . Debugging Symbols . For more details, see: Package: libpcscxx Section: libs Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Description: C++ Wrapper around PCSClite, Cryptoki, OpenSSL C++ wrappers around the ugly C-Interfaces of pcsc-lite, cryptoki and open-ssl. . For more details, see: