diff --git a/ax_init_standard_project.m4 b/ax_init_standard_project.m4
index 7c6a416..77fbac8 100644
--- a/ax_init_standard_project.m4
+++ b/ax_init_standard_project.m4
@@ -171,12 +171,13 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_INIT_STANDARD_PROJECT], [
if test -f README.md; then
- README=$()
+ README=$(tail -n +3 README.md)
README=$(tail -n +3 README)
+ README_ESCAPED=$(echo "$README" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g;s,",\\",g')
if which pandoc 2>&1 > /dev/null; then
README_HTML=$(echo "$README" | pandoc -f markdown_github -t html | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s,\\\(.\),\\\\\1,g;s/\n/\\n/g;s,",\\",g;s, ,\ \ ,g')
@@ -184,6 +185,8 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_INIT_STANDARD_PROJECT], [
diff --git a/bootstrap.sh b/bootstrap.sh
index 8a7c967..466ec5a 100755
--- a/bootstrap.sh
+++ b/bootstrap.sh
@@ -529,7 +529,11 @@ ${DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME}
add description for ${DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME}
to configure.ac <Wikipedia:
+ «A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes and
+ transmits information through electrical and chemical
+ signals. These signals between neurons occur via synapses,
+ specialized connections with other cells. Neurons can connect to
+ each other to form neural networks. Neurons are the core
+ components of the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous
+ system, and of the ganglia of the peripheral nervous system.» The
+ neuron connects with dendrites to the world or to the axon of
+ other neuirons. The neurites (dendrite or axon) transport
+ electrical stimulation to the cell, which emits the signal to the
+ dendrites if the activation reaches a certain level.
+ @dot
+ digraph g {
+ rankdir=LR;
+ ranksep=0.8;
+ node [shape=hexagon];
+ edge [arrowhead=none];
+ subgraph clusterInput {
+ label="sensors";
+ color="white";
+ node [shape=point];
+ I0; I1; I2; I3; I4; I5; I6; I7; I8 I9;
+ }
+ subgraph clusterOutput {
+ label="actors";
+ color="white";
+ node [shape=point];
+ O0; O1; O2; O3; O4; O5; O6;
+ }
+ I1 -> Cell1 [label="axon";taillabel="synapse"];
+ { I2; I3; I4; } -> Cell1;
+ { I5; I6; I7; I8; } -> Cell2;
+ { I4; I6; I9; I0; } -> Cell3;
+ Cell1 -> Cell8 [label="axon / dendrite"];
+ Cell1 -> { Cell2; Cell4; Cell5; }
+ Cell2 -> { Cell4; Cell5; Cell6; Cell8; }
+ Cell3 -> { Cell4; Cell6; Cell7; Cell8; }
+ { Cell4; Cell5; Cell6 } -> { Cell7; Cell8; }
+ Cell7 -> { O0; O1; O2 };
+ Cell8 -> { O3; O4; O5; };
+ Cell8 -> O6 [label="dendrite"];
+ }
+ @enddot
+ @subsection art Artificial Neural Network
A complex neural network can be imitiated as a vector @c I of @c i
input values, a vector @c O of @c o output values and any number
@c l of hidden layers, where each of them contains @c h
@@ -67,26 +117,12 @@
Ox [label=…>];
Oo [label=o>];
- I1 -> { H11; H12; H1x; H1h; }
- I2 -> { H11; H12; H1x; H1h; }
- Ix -> { H11; H12; H1x; H1h; }
- Ii -> { H11; H12; H1x; H1h; }
- H11 -> { H21; H22; H2x; H2h; }
- H12 -> { H21; H22; H2x; H2h; }
- H1x -> { H21; H22; H2x; H2h; }
- H1h -> { H21; H22; H2x; H2h; }
- H21 -> { Hx1; Hx2; Hxx; Hxh; }
- H22 -> { Hx1; Hx2; Hxx; Hxh; }
- H2x -> { Hx1; Hx2; Hxx; Hxh; }
- H2h -> { Hx1; Hx2; Hxx; Hxh; }
- Hx1 -> { Hl1; Hl2; Hlx; Hlh; }
- Hx2 -> { Hl1; Hl2; Hlx; Hlh; }
- Hxx -> { Hl1; Hl2; Hlx; Hlh; }
- Hxh -> { Hl1; Hl2; Hlx; Hlh; }
- Hl1 -> { O1; O2; Ox; Oo; }
- Hl2 -> { O1; O2; Ox; Oo; }
- Hlx -> { O1; O2; Ox; Oo; }
- Hlh -> { O1; O2; Ox; Oo; }
+ { I1; I2; Ix; Ii; }
+ -> { H11; H12; H1x; H1h; }
+ -> { H21; H22; H2x; H2h; }
+ -> { Hx1; Hx2; Hxx; Hxh; }
+ -> { Hl1; Hl2; Hlx; Hlh; }
+ -> { O1; O2; Ox; Oo; }
@@ -110,7 +146,15 @@
@section neuro-backward Back Propagation
+ @page biblio Bibliography
+ - Vorlesung Neuronale Netze - Zusammenfassung - Christoph Tornau
+ - Neuronale Netze — Eine Einführung
+ - Artificial Neural Network based Curve Prediction
+ - Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs / ConvNets)
+ - TensorFlow utorials
+ - Artificial Neural Network based Curve Prediction