Install Software ================ There are prebuilt software packages in the repositories, look in for your operating system. Note: PublicKey has changed on Novmber 1st 2015, please import the new key. Linux ----- There are package repositories for most distributions at ### Ubuntu and Debian To accept my signature, install my key: wget -O- \ | sudo apt-key add - You can install all software using your package manager (`apt`), first install the repository: sudo apt-get install -y wget software-properties-common apt-transport-https sudo apt-add-repository sudo apt-get update -y Then you can install any project you wish, e.g. [webtester]: sudo apt-get install webtester -y ### OpenSUSE To accept my signature, install my key: wget rpm --import PublicKey You can use your packagemanager (`zypper` or _YaST_). First install the repostitory: zypper ar Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [webtester]: zypper install webtester In case of trouble: Check if your version of OpenSUSE is supported, use `lsb_release -rs` to get the version of your OpenSUSE: ### Fedora To accept my signature, install my key: wget rpm --import PublicKey You can use your packagemanager (`dnf`). First install the repository: dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)' dnf config-manager --add-repo Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [webtester]: dnf install webtester In case of trouble: Check if your version of Fedora is supported, use `lsb_release -rs` to get the version of your Fedora: ### CentOS To accept my signature, install my key: wget rpm --import PublicKey You can use your packagemanager (`yum`). First install the repository: yum install wget wget -O/etc/yum.repos.d/marc-waeckerlin.repo Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [webtester]: yum install webtester In case of trouble: Check if your version of CentOS is supported, use lsb_release -rs to get the version of your CentOS: ### Mageia To accept my signature, install my key: wget rpm --import PublicKey You can use your packagemanager (`dnf`). First install the repository: dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)' dnf config-manager --add-repo Then install packages from the repository, e.g. [webtester]: dnf install webtester ### Other Linux Distributions Either use the nearest possible distribution, or use alien to convert from another distribution to your preferred package format, or compile the project yourself (see below). Windows ------- Download from MacOSX ------ You need e.g. Mac Ports to compile. Install the following dependencies: sudo port install subversion svn2cl doxygen graphviz cppunit libtool boost log4cxx qt5-mac Fix libtool-bug: sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/glibtoolize /opt/local/bin/libtoolize Compile from Source ------------------- For all unsupported operating systems, including MacOSX. To compile, please download the tar-sources from: Then untar the package and use the common commands, e.g. for version `1.0.2` of a project named project, that means: tar xzf project-1.0.2.tar.gz cd project-1.0.2 ./ ./configure make sudo make install [webtester]: Webtester is a tool to test websites, running in GUI or in batch.