## @file This is a test script to test and to show the features of the webtester framework.

testsuite Test WebTester Commands

testcase Test Certificate Load
# Load a SwissSign root certificate, so that it is accepted in the
# following tests.  Normally this is only necessary if you use
# self-signed certificates, that are unknown by qt.
ca-certificate ca.pem

testcase Test Variable Definition
# set a variable to a value
set ARG4 = Argument number 4
# set a variable to the output of a system command
  execute pwd

testcase Test Function Call
# call a test function with three comma separated arguments
# - either with single quotes, allmust be quoted
call test '1', 'hello world', 'here is a comma, so it must be quoted', 'ARG4'
# - or with double quotes, but the two types cannot be mixed
call test "2", "hello world", "here's a comma, so it must be quoted", "ARG4"
# - or with no quotes
call test 3, hello world, here's no comma and no quotes, ARG4

testcase Test Function Definition
## Just a test function
## @param ARG1 an argument
## @param ARG2 another argument
## @param ARG3 another argument
## @param ARG4 another argument
function test ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, ARG4
  if ARG1 = 1
    # this is the first function call (or at leas declared to be the first)
    echo This is the first call of function "test"
  echo called funtion test ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, ARG4

testcase Test Checks
# check comparisions of values
# fist set some variables to test
set TEXT = Hello world, this is a test.
set TWO = 2
# then so some checks
check TWO = 2
check 2 = TWO
check TWO = TWO
# @todo the following test fails: the dot is the problem
#check TEXT = Hello world, this is a test.
check TEXT ^ hello world
# @todo the following test fails
#check TEXT ~ [hH]ello.*test
check TEXT ~ world
check 1 < TWO
check TWO < 3
check 3 > TWO

testcase Test Setting Clicktype
# there are two clicktypes:
#  - normal javascript this.click(); call
#  - Qt emulated real mouse click
clicktype realmouse
clicktype javascript

testcase Test Load Client Certificate
# define a client certificate to authenticate to a server
client-certificate client.pem client.key password

testcase Test For Loop
# test the for loop feature
# first run with a gven list
execute bash
  echo -n "test:" > testfile 
for VAR -> 1, 2, 3, 4
  execute bash
    echo -n "-VAR;">> testfile
  execute bash
    cat testfile
    rm testfile
check RESULT = test:-1;-2;-3;-4;
# then run with a given global value 
set VAR = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
for VAR
  execute bash
    echo -n "-VAR;">> testfile
  execute bash
    cat testfile
    rm testfile
check RESULT = -5;-6;-7;-8;-9;
# multi dimensional for loops
# VAR colides with VARS1 and VARS2
unset VAR
set VARS1 = 1, 2, 3, 4
set VARS2 = a, b, c, d
set RESULT =
for VARS1
  for VARS2
check RESULT = 1a1b1c1d2a2b2c2d3a3b3c3d4a4b4c4d