## @id $Id$ ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ## 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 # Configuration file for mvfotos, the script to move or copy # configuration files from any source into a defined target and to # distinguish and sort into subdirectories according to the file type. # base path to move multimedia files target=/var/data/familie # number of distinguished file types (recognized by extention) num=9 # default prefix for the file types if not given by option -p prefix[1]=foto prefix[2]=foto prefix[3]=video prefix[4]=video prefix[5]=musik prefix[6]=musik prefix[7]=foto prefix[8]=audio prefix[9]=foto # file name extensions to detect the file types ext[1]="jpg png tif xcf jpeg" ext[2]="jps" ext[3]="mxf mts avi mov mpg mp4 mpg 3gp webm" ext[4]="cpi" ext[5]="wav" ext[6]="mp3" ext[7]="rw2 dng" ext[8]="3ga" ext[9]="mpo" # path that is added to target base path path[1]="bilder" path[2]="bilder3d" path[3]="video" path[4]="video/clipinfo" path[5]="musik/raw" path[6]="musik/familienkonzert" path[7]="bilder/raw" path[8]="musik/aufnahmen" path[9]="bilder3d.mpo" # file name extensions that contain exif information exif="jpg jps mpo jpeg" movie="mp4 mov 3gp avi m2t mpeg mpg mts mxf" # number of the clipinfo file type, ${ext[$cpi]} must contain "cpi" cpi=4